Special Education
Mission Statement
The Bossier Evaluation Center believes that all students can and must learn at relatively high levels of achievement, including students with disabilities. As a collective team, we are advocates for students with disabilities and we assist in creating a learning environment that promotes high achievement and high expectations. We are committed to working together to achieve a collective purpose; to work collaboratively with our team members, students, and parents to achieve this shared educational purpose.
Our Programs & Services
The Bossier Parish School System offers a wide variety of programs that are destined to provide quality education, which will equip all students to function at their highest potential in a complex and changing society. Opportunities for services are provided to students beginning at the preschool level (age 3-5) and continuing through the age of 21.
Placement and services flow from the needs of the students identified through a referral process that includes a multidisciplinary evaluation (MDE) which provides the foundation for the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) prior to making a placement decision for participation in one or more of the the Special Education programs.
As stated in Louisiana's Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities, "A student with a disability is entitled to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE)". Our department works diligently with parish staff to ensure FAPE by providing student programs and services, many of which are listed below:
Adapted Physical Education
Assistive Technology
Educational Interpreter Services
Extended School Year
IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy in the Educational Setting
Orientation and Mobility
Related School Health Services
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Speech/Language Pathology Services
Transition Services
Child Find: What Services Are Available?
Your local school system may be able to help a child who has a learning problem or disability. With parental permission, services could include:
Free screening to learn if the child should be evaluated.
If screening indicates, an evaluation to see what type of help the child may need.
If the evaluation finds the child to need services, services may include free special education instruction, speech services, adapted physical education, occupational services, and/or physical therapy services.
For more information call 549-6119
Special Education Information
The Bossier Parish School System provides a continuum of direct, related and support services to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Educational opportunities are provided for students ages 3-21 at schools throughout the district. Services include, but are not limited to, gifted, talented, speech, OT, PT, health care, and counseling as well as a rigorous classroom placement to help all students improve and reach their potential.
Bossier Parish Public Schools (BPSB) assures that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is available to all children with disabilities residing within the jurisdiction of Bossier Parish between the ages of 3 and 21.
BPSB assures that all procedures for the development and implementation of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process are followed.
Inclusion continues to be the service model “philosophy” in Bossier Parish. Our elementary, middle and high schools have inclusive settings available to serve students if determined by the IEP team as best “placement”. With special education and regular classroom teachers collaborating to provide the most effective instruction for all students, some special education students receive instruction from special education while in a regular classroom.
The inclusion approach enables students with disabilities to remain in the general education classroom via the IEP process. The students receive the expertise of the content teacher AND the expertise of the special education teacher or trained paraprofessional. The teachers work collaboratively to provide all accommodations, and modifications as appropriate for each student. Inclusion improves all students' chances of succeeding in the general curriculum.
Community-Based Education
Community-Based Education trains special education students through first-hand experience to become self-sufficient and able to function in the community.
All special education teachers have computers in their classrooms. Students also have access to portable technology and computers with programs to enhance their learning. Technical assistance with computers and software is available to all special education teachers and related service personnel. The provision of this service assists special education personnel and related service providers in planning for students, teaching students and assessing students more effectively via the computer.